similarity ratings and Belk’s scale of Materialism did not have the redundancy or balance of the
PRF, any missing data was grounds for exclusion from the analyses of those sections of the
questionnaire data. [See Appendix D for a tabulation of the data used here.]
The first task of the analysis was to determine the semantic structure of the verbs of
ownership in a manner that would be comparable and legitimate for the two samples. Assuming
these to be opportunistic samples of the same population of adult English Canadians, the data
were initially pooled (n =245). Hierarchical cluster analysis of the verb correlation matrix using
maximum distance criteria indicated six clusters of verbs. Save and hide were anomalous. This
is shown in Figure 6, where, for example, save correlated most highly with keep (r=.25, p <.001),
manage (r=.27, p<.001), plan (r =.28, p <.001) and share (r =.30, p <.001), while hide correlated
most highly with make (r=.21, p<.001) and lend (r =.25, p<.001). Though statistically significant,
these correlations were still much weaker than the within-cluster correlations of verbs that did
These verb clusters appear on the left in Table 4, where they are tentatively labelled
possession, dominion, acquisition, attachment, stewardship, and covetousness. To confirm
these clusters, factor analysis was used on the pooled data, and Cronbach alpha coefficients
were used as measures of cluster coherence in the sample data. Principal components factor
analysis, based on eigenvalues greater than one and varimax rotation, essentially reproduced
these clusters. Other factoring methods, rotations, and factor selection criteria did not improve
the correspondence with the cluster analysis. The factor analysis, however, did indicate that
be familiar with and share should each appear in two factors. Keep and cherish had relatively
low factor loadings in their respective verb clusters, but were retained there because their
presence did not appear to diminish sample Cronbach alpha coefficients for the verb clusters.
Considering the verbs as equally weighted items in a scale, alpha coefficients were above
65 for the summer students and above .71 for the ferry passengers on all but the possession
cluster. For that two-item cluster, have and possess were correlated in the student sample
(n= 170, r =.46, p <.001), but not in the ferry sample (n=75, r=.16, p >.05). The failure of have and
possess to correlate in the ferry sample may stem from possess having less of a meaning of
dominion for that group. For the students (n= 170), both have and possess correlated with