Thus, the incoherence of the dominion construct for the Cree does not mean the
component verbs of dominion (claim, keep and control) are unimportant to the Cree concept of
owning. Control, in particular, was among the verbs most similar to own for both the Cree and
the English-Canadians, indistinguishably so on both the card sort task (U=695, p =.31) and the
scaling task (U= 798, p=.99). However, it seems that control has less of a meaning of keep and
protect for the Cree. On the card sort task, the greatest differences between the Cree and the
English-Canadians in cluster groupings for control were (giving difference counts in
parentheses) on keep (-10) and protect (-11). On the scaling task, Spearman correlations show
the Cree concept of control to be unrelated to either keep (n =40, r =.08, p =.63) or protect (n = 40,
r=.02, p =.91), whereas, for the English-Canadians, control with respect to own was positively
related to keep (n=40, r=.49, p =.004) and to protect (n=40,r=.36, p =.02). For both the Cree
and English-Canadians, respectively, control was positively related to possess (n =40, r =.42,
p =.007; n=40, r=.46, p =.003).
It also is evident in Table 13 that possession was not a coherent construct for this
English-Canadian sample. As with the ferry queue sample in Study 2, it appears that have
includes some meaning of dominion (n =40, r =.30, p =.04); whereas, possess does not (n=40,
r=-,01, p =.48).
Before turning to the qualitative interview data, it should be noted that generational or
acculturative differences were not evident in the quantitative analyses. To exclude the
possibility that younger Cree might have acculturated to, and adopted, English-Canadian
ownership concepts, the 20 older Cree were compared with the 20 older English-Canadians.
Verbs showing differences between the Cree and English-Canadians which replicated on the
card sorting task and the scaling task respectively were need (n=20, U=94, p =.004; n = 20,
U=96, p =.005), want (n=20, U=90, p=.003; n=20, U=110, p=.02), and desire (n=20, U=104,
p=.009; n=20, U=104, p=.009). A comparison of the correlations of age with verbs for the two
societies revealed no differences that replicated In both the card sort and scaling tasks. A
comparison of older Cree with younger Cree on each of the verbs by means of the
Mann-Whitney U Test found no differences on any of the verbs that replicated in the card sort
and the scaling tasks. It would thus appear that generational or accuiturative changes in the
meaning of ownership for the Cree are either non-existent or too subtle to be identified by these
quantificational analyses.