Full text: Ownership as interpersonal dominance

(in press). William McDougall. In A. Chapman and N. Sheehy (eds.), Who's Who in Psychology. 
Brighton: Harvester Press. 
(in press). Speech reception thresholds for digits. Journal of Auditory Research. 
{1987). (First author with R. Belk & L. Furby). Social science bibliography on property, ownership 
and possession: 1580 citations from psychology, anthropology, sociology, and related 
disciplines. Monticello, IL: Vance Bibliographies. 
[1987). (First author with J. Berry). Semantics of ownership: A free-recall study of property. 
Psychological Record, 37, 257-268. 
(1987). (First author with R. Trimpop, |. Kryl, P. Boski). Gustav Ichheiser in the history of social 
psychology: An early phenomenology of social attribution. British Journal of Social 
Psychology, 26, 165-180. 
(1986). Psychology of ownership, possession and property: A selected bibliography since 1890. 
Psychological Reports, 58, 859-867. [Reprinted in the IAREP Newsletter, March, 1987, 17-27.] 
(1986). (Second author with H. Osser). Metacognition, social context, and personal factors in 
arithmetic problem solving. In 8S. B. Newstead, S. H. Irvine, & P. L. Dann (Eds.), Human 
assessment: Cognition and motivation (pp. 1565-177). Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff. 
(1985). William McDougall in the history of social psychology. British Journal of Social 
Psychology, 24, 75-76. 
(1984). Dichotic alignment, phonetic and language variables as predictors of SSW performance. 
Journal of Otolaryngolgy, 13, 87-94. 
(1984). Brief clinical report on visual reinforcement audiometry with deaf infants. Journal of 
Otolaryngology, 13, 367-369. 
(1983). (First author with N. Normandin). Experimental dichotic tests in French modeled on SSW 
Test design. Human Communication Canada, 7, 348-360. 
(1983). The why and how of hearing /s/. The Volta Review, 85, 263-269. 
(1982). (First author with J. Katz). Dichotic onset and offset parameters on the SSW Test. In D. 
Arnst and J. Katz (Eds.), Central Auditory Assessment: The SSW Test Development and Clinical 
Use, (pp. 1568-170). San Diego: College Hill Press. 
(1982). (First author with M. Cales). Comparison of English and French versions of a dichotic 
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22, 200-204. 
(1981). Phonetic factors in the dichotic alignment of the Staggered Spondaic Word Test. Journal 
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(1979). Development of a Japanese SSW Test. Audiology Japan. 22. 36-40. 
11986). History of peace psychology: Comment on Morawski and Goldstein (1985). American 
Psychologist, 41, 586-588. 
(1985). Historical note on the development of possessive pronouns. Journal of Speech and 
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(1984). [on US-USSR research exchange]. ASHA, March.

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