Full text: Ownership as interpersonal dominance

(1987). Dominance, social control and ownership: Interpersonal values as predictors of 
attitudes towards private property. Symposium paper presented at annual meeting of the 
Canadian Psychological Association, Vancouver, June, 1987. 
(1987). (Second author with R. Trimpop). Gustav Ichheiser (1897-1969): Salvaging his insights 
on attribution processes, ethnic relations and political psychology. Presented at annual 
meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Vancouver, June, 1987. 
(1987). (Second author with F. Boland). Torture, human rights, and peace activism. Section 
session paper presented at annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, 
Vancouver, June, 1987. 
(1986). Semantics of Cree verbs of possession: Preliminary report of a quantificational semantic 
study. Poster presented at National Student Conference on Northern Studies, Ottawa, 
November, 1986. 
(1986). Semantics of Cree verbs of possession: Generational differences in the meaning ot 
ownership. Presented at NATO International Scientific Exchange Program: Indigenous 
cognition and models of information processing, Kingston, Ontario, June, 1986. 
(1986). Historical roots of the crisis in social psychology. Symposium paper presented at 
annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, June, 1986. 
(1984). (Second author with G. Rentschler). The influence of laryngeal reflexivity on stuttering. 
Presented at annual meeting of the American Speech & Hearing Association, San Francisco, 
November, 1984. 
(1984). Psychology and international development: Suggestions for expanded opportunities. In 
J. Berry, The role of psychology in international development. Symposium at annual meeting 
of the Canadian Psychology Association, Ottawa, May, 1984. 
(1984). (Second author with G. Renschler). Laryngeal hyper-reflexivity and stuttering. Presented 
at annual meeting of the Michigan Speech and Hearing Association, Battle Creek, Michigan, 
March, 1984. 
(1983). (Second author with H. Osser & M. Sorensen). ‘Just putting down numbers’: The child's 
and the teacher's definitions of ‘learning math’. Presented at International Seminar: 
Misconceptions in Science and Mathematics, Cornell University, ithaca, NY, June, 1983. 
1982). What characteristics of SSW items are difficult for learning disabled children? Presented 
at SSW Study Group, annual meeting of the American Speech and Hearing Association, 
Toronto, November, 1982. 
(submitted). The psychology of property and possession: Review perspectives and future 
prospects. To be presented at First European Congress of Psychology, Amsterdam, The 
Netherlands, July, 1989. 
(accepted). Workshop on teaching creative hypothesis generating. To be presented at annual 
meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Montreal, June, 1988. 
(1987). (With U. Kim & R. Lindsay). Alternative theoretical and research perspectives in social 
psychology. Double symposium at annual meeting of the American Psychological 
Association, New York City, August, 1987. 
(1987). Pre-war Austrian psychology: A fountain-head for social psychology. Symposium at 
annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York City, August, 1987.

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