Full text: Ownership as interpersonal dominance

{1985). Anti-war psychologists: Willlam James. Psychology and Peace, 1(3), 7. 
(1985). Anti-war psychologists: Franz Brentano. Psychology and Peace, 1(2), 5. 
(1985). Anti-war psychologists: Ivan Pavlov. Psychology and Peace, 2(1), 9-10. 
dh of Staying Alive: The Psychology of Human Survival. Science for Peace Bulletin, 
(1985). Dominance and children’s use of possessive case. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 61, 566. 
1984). Parent's report of stress and articulation oscillation as factors in a preschooler's 
disfluencies. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 9, 85-88. 
(1984). What characteristics of SSW items are difficult for LD children? SSW Reports, 6, 23-24. 
(1984). item analysis for rehabilitation guidelines. SSW Reports, 6, 10-11. 
(1984). Gulp! Hearing aid batteries?? Newsounds, 9(3), S. 
(1984). Reviewing a survey of vocabulary needs for handicapped children. Human 
Communication Canada, 8, 490-491. 
(1984). Reviewing a study of self-repair in speech. Human Communication Canada, 8, 256. 
[1984). Two articles on language disorders from the Journal of Psychology. Human 
Communication Canada, 8, 489-490. 
(1984). Anti-war psychologists: Gordon Allport. Psychology and Peace, 1(1), 8. 
(1983). (First author with M. Cappelli). Tone-taste synesthesia: A replication. Perceptual and 
Motor Skills, 56, 118. 
(1983). Telephone deafness: Some causes and corrections. The OUT-Line, 9(22), 3. 
(1983). Speech and hearing research in Canadian psychology dapartments.Human 
Communication Canada, 7, 528-529. 
(1983). Reviewing a report of hearing acuity in a healthy elderly population. Human 
Communication Canada, 7, 451-452, 
(1983). Reviewing a report of tinnitus treated by hypnosis. Human Communication Canada, 7, 
(1983). False air-bone gap. Ear and Hearing, 4, 106-107. 
(1983). Canadian speech audiometry: Word discrimination lists for minority languages. Human 
Communication Canada, 7, 98-100. 
(1983). (Second author with D. Bonnycastle). Aural rehabilitation self-help group. Human 
Communication Canada, 7, 176-178. ‘ 
(1982). Acoustics and proper uses of hearing aid stethoscopes. Hearing Aid Journal, 35(4), 12-13. 
(1982). Are SSW reversals related to deficits in self-ordering? SSW Reports, 4(3), 4-5. 
(1982): Pitch Pattern Perception and SSW Tests. SSW Reports, 4(3), 5. 
(1982). Predictors of performance on the SSW EC test: Preliminary report. SSW Reports, 4(1), 1-4. 
(1982). Checking on naturalness: Need for a language assessment protocol for cuing parents 
and teachers. Cued Speech News, 15(3), 5.

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