rhythmic alternations of the self, between the self acting as possessor and the self acting as
user. These are determined by social context and by cognitive focus:
The judgement that a man is selfish means that he ought to be defining himself on the basis
of a wider situation, that he ought to be taking into account factors which as a matter of fact
he is neglecting. It means inadequacy almost always. It generally means lack of adequate
self-consciousness. It means a narrow vision of the situation which should be used to tell
the seif what it is. (Dewey, 1898/1976, p. 213)
These nineteenth century discussions of property and altruism did not seem to result in
twentieth century empirical research. Research arose, instead, within the field of child
development, apparently from several different origins. One was the anthropology-of-the-child
approach to developmental psychology that emerged at Clark University under Hall, Boas, and
Chamberlain (Rudmin, 1987b). In a rather atheoretical manner, phenomena were observed and
quantified, often using questionnaire protocols. For example, Kiine and France (1899) reviewed
biological and developmental literature and presented excerpts from 185 questionnaire
protocols. They argued strongly that possessiveness was instinctual and should not be
thwarted if moral development was to progress in its natural course to altruistic concern for
others, which they claimed appeared in early adolescence:
Selfishness is the cornerstone of the struggle for existence, deception is at its very
foundation, while the acquiring of property has been the most dominant factor in the history
of men and nations. These passions of the child are but the pent up forces of the greed
of a thousand years. They must find expression and exercise, if not in childhood, later. Who
knows but what our misers are not those children grown up whom fond mothers and fathers
forced into giving away their playthings, into the doing of unselfish acts, in acting out a
generosity which was neither felt nor understood. Not to let these activities have their play
in childhood is to run great risk. (Kline & France, 1899, p. 455)
in his review of instinct theory, Drever (1917) reached a similar conclusion, but
emphasized the role of possessions in the development of the self-concept:
Though social in its origin, the desire to possess is, in the first instance, anti-social in its
tendency. It is thus the cause of childish misdemeanours and crimes, which often give the
parent and teacher much concern. In dealing with this problem, the principle to be kept in
view is, that the recognition in act of the distinction between meum and teum must be
developed without the unnecessary weakening of a natural impulse, which, normally
developed, contributes not a little to strength of purpose, will, and character in adult
life...we may attempt to weaken the impulse indirectly by developing ‘giving’ as a habit. To
call this the development of generosity, is, in our opinion, to take an entirely wrong view of
what is happening. (Drever, 1917, pp. 189-190)
It is interesting to note that young children are allowed exclusive possessions in the Israeli
kibbutz (Neubauer, 1965) and in the People’s Republic of China (Ramsey, 1987), two societies
with overt, ideologically-based socialization programs designed to minimize private property in
favor of communal norms of ownership.