Full text: Ownership as interpersonal dominance

The second property question (PQ2) asked about agreement with the statement: 
The acquisition of private properly is based, in the final analysis, too much on force, fraud, 
and violence. 
Fortuitously, the MSS incorporated Gordon's Survey of Interpersonal Values (SIV) (Gordon, 
1976). This scale measures six psychological constructs of interpersonal values, described as 
SUPPORT: being treated with understanding; receiving encouragement from other people; 
being treated with kindness and consideration. 
CONFORMITY: doing what is socially correct; following regulations closely; doing what is 
accepted and proper; being a conformist. 
RECOGNITION: being locked up to and admired; being considered important; attracting 
favorable notice; achieving recognition. 
INDEPENDENCE: having the right to do whatever one wants to do; being free to make one’s 
own decisions; being able to do things In one’s own way. 
BENEVOLENCE: doing things for other people; sharing with others; helping the unfortunate; 
being generous. 
LEADERSHIP: being in charge of other people; having authority over others; being in a 
position of leadership or power. (Gordon, 1976, p. 1) 
The SIV uses a forced-choice preference paradigm. Items are presented in triads, and the 
respondents must choose which one of the three statements they consider to be most 
important to themselves and which of the statements to be least important. The following 
example triad shows items representing Leadership, Recognition and Conformity, respectively: 
To be in a position of authority. 
To associate with people who are well known. 
To follow a strict code of conduct. 
Questionnaires using this type of forced-choice preference paradigm are ipsitive. That is, the 
scales are not independent of one another because accumulating points in-one scale 
necessarily limits accumulation in other scales. One consequence of this is that the scales are 
negatively intercorrelated. Hofstede (1976) estimated the intercorrelations of the SIV scales to 
be r=-.20 on average. A Monte Carlo study found this to be the case (Rudmin, 1988b). Such 
intercorrelations would confound most multivariate analyses. However, as will be explained 
later, this characteristic of the SIV can be overcome by decomposing the six SIV scales into 15 
preference pair scales that are independent of one another. On the positive side, ipsitive scales 
have the advantage of reducing acquiescence and social desirability contamination (Mueller, 
1985). Also, the SIV was constructed with some awareness of the demands of cross-cultural

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