applications (Gordon, 1967; 1968; Gordon & Kikuchi, 1966) and has been noted for being
relatively culture-free (Hofstede, 1976).
The SIV is a particularly opportune questionnaire for research on the psychology of
ownership. The interpersonal values measured on the SIV all have some plausible relationship
to attitudes towards private property. As shown in the prior history, dominance has been
hypothesized by many to be a motive for private property. This would be substantiated by a
positive correlation of the SIV's measure of dominance, Leadership, with a positive attitude
toward private property. Similarly, a desire for autonomy has been hypothesized to be an
underlying motivation for property (e.g. Furby, 1980; Gewirth, 1956; Isaacs, 1933). A positive
correlation of the SIV's measure of autonomy, Independence, with a positive attitude towards
private property might be interpreted as support for this hypothesis. Support is an expression
of dependence on others, which may induce altruism in others (Krebs, 1970), or which may,
along with Recognition, represent compensation for imbalances in power relationships
(Emerson, 1962). Recognition might also serve as the SIV's measure of status-seeking, such
that a positive correlation with positive attitudes towards private property might be interpreted
as support for the theory that property serves to establish status (e.g. Veblen, 1899/1912).
Conformity is in many ways a counter-value to Independence. Conformity could also relate to
compliance with the social norms that order property relations and assure prescriptive property
rights (e.g. Hume, 1739/1962). Finally, Benevolence is the SIV's measure of altruism, which has
long been hypothesized to require private possession as an antecedent condition. A positive
correlation of Benevolence with a positive attitude towards private property might indicate that
private property is indeed seen to serve benevolent ends, as argued by Aristotle, Aquinas, and
Data for the MSS were obtained on magnetic tape from the Data Library of the University
of British Columbia.(2) The first task was to edit the data. Respondents were eliminated a) if
they were not citizens of the sample country, b) if they were not male, or ¢) if a variable of
(2) Neither the authors of the MSS nor the UBC Data Library bear any responsibility for the
analyses and interpretations contained herein.