Fourth, this reinterpretation of the Leadership scale would seem justified when it is recalled that
the best independent predictors of a favorable societal attitude towards private property were
preferences for Leadership over Benevolence, over Recognition and over Conformity.
Controlling people, but with no care for them, no reciprocal appreciation from them, and no wish
to comply with their social norms, is clearly identifiable as dominance.
Next consider the interpretation of the correlations of of Conformity with attitudes towards
the institution of private property. Making comparisons across societies, where many educated,
young adult men value social Conformity, there they also think that the acquisition of private
property is based on fraud, theft, and violence. This is also the case for individual men across
societies. Favoring social conformity coincides with disfavoring private ownership. However,
within particular societies, this appears to hold least for those societies in which the educated
young men value individual Independence. Where autonomy, control of others, and private
property are favored, Conformity to social norms goes hand in hand with positive attitudes
towards private property. Consent to social rules extends to consent to property rules as well.
Within societies in which relatively few men prefer individual Independence, those who value
Conformity to social norms believe that private property is anti-social.
Conformity might also be considered in terms of dominance, in the sense that conformity
represents control of the individual by social norms. Placing little importance on Conformity
might represent a desire to escape societal dominance. The SIV manual (Gordon, 1976) reports
that Conformity on the SIV correlates with Deference on Edward's Personal Preference Schedule
(n=98, r=.52, p<.01) and with Levinson's measure of Authoritarianism (n=189, r=.31, p<.01).
Hofstede (1980) defines Power-Distance as societal authoritarianism, the preference a peopie
have for superordination-subordination relationships. For the 11 societies in this study for
which Hofstede (1980, Figure 3.1) has computed Power-Distance Index values, the correlation
of SIV Conformity with power-distance is positive (n=11, r=.79, p<.01).
Although it is difficult to interpret low scores on a measure of preference, it is plausible
that a preference for other interpersonal values over Conformity indicates a rejection of the
superordination-subordination relationship. As before, consider the degree to which the actual
scale items for Conformity indicate compliance with being controlled: