A Long Way From Home: Automatic Culture in Domestic
and Civic Life
Eugene Halton . . . . . . .
Materialism and Modern Art
Jonathan E. Schroeder
Culture Consequences for Market Economy: Stability of
Anti-Materialist Orientation in Polish Mentality
Pawel Boski . . . . . .
Materialism and Territorial Politics:
Lessons from 17th-Century France
Chandra Mukerii
Sustainable Development and the Materia
Sheldon Wein . . . . listic Ideal
Materialistic Values, Relative Wealth an .
Social Psychological Belief Systems phi
rom Different Socio-Economic Backgrounds
Helga Dittmar
_ucy Pepper . . . . . . ..
Materialism as Social Cognition:
some Initial Thoughts and Corollary Evidence
james M. Hunt
Jerome B. Kernan
Jeborah J. Mitchell
Material Values in the Book of Morm
Newell D. Wright on
Jal Larsen . ;
Consumer Materialism as a Multilevel and Individual
Difference Phenomenon: An Asian Perspective
Stephen J. Gould
Buying the Doughnut to Experience the Hole:
A Study of Diversity in ‘New Age’ Marketplaces
Marv Apikos . . .
Human Behavior, the Ecological Crisis, and
Environmentally Sustainable Society
axel Dorscht
3eorge Emery
‘Nendy Thatcher
<eith Wilde
Jerzy Wojciechowski
A History of Conspicuous Consumption
Christine Page . . . .
Modelling the Demand for Status Goods
Roger Mason
immigration: A Consumption Impact Assessment
Sohrab Abizadeh
Nancy Ghalam Co
Documenting the Consumer Lives of Inner City Children
Elizabeth Chin