Chapter 1
The Concept of Ownership
Two Approaches 1
The General Notion 3
Origins of Private Property
An Ancient Notion Prevails 8
Exploring Patristic Thought 10
Chapter 2
Roman Law Theory and Practice of Ownership
Influence of Roman Law 14
Beginnings 16
Nature of Ownership and Property Distinctions 19
From Land Ownership to Slave Ownership 22
Socioeconomic Conditions in the Patristic Age 25
Resistance, Resignation, Decline 30
Chapter 3
Clement of Alexandria: The Koinonic Goal
The Texts 35
I. Autarkeia, or Self-Sufficiency, As a Purpose of
Property 35
2. Koinonia As a Purpose of Property
3. Limits of the Use of Wealth 42
4. All Wealth a Gift to All 43
Summary 45
? 1