BOOK IX . 149
Augustine determines to devote his life to God, and to abandon
his profession of Rhetoric, quietly however; retires to the coun-
try to prepare himself to receive the grace of Baptism, and is
baptised with Alypius, and his son Adeodatus. At Ostia, in his
way to Africa, his mother Monnica dies. Her life and character.
BOOK X + 173
Having in the former books spoken of himself before his receiv-
ing the grace of Baptism, in this Augustine confesses what he
then was. But first, he enquires by what faculty we can know
God at all; whence he enlarges on the mysterious character of
the memory. Then he examines his own trials under the triple
division of temptation, “lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and
pride”; what Christian continency prescribes as to each. On
Christ the Only Mediator, Who heals all infirmities.
BOOK XI « 213
Augustine breaks off the history of the mode whereby God led
him to holy Orders, in order to “confess” God's mercies in open-
ing to him the Scripture. Moses is not to be understood, but in
Christ, not even the first words In the beginning God created
the heaven and the earth. Answer to cavillers who asked, “What
did God before He created the heaven and the earth?” Inquiry
into the nature of Time.
BOOK XII « 240
Augustine proceeds to comment on Genesis I, i, and explains
the “heaven” to mean that spiritual and incorporeal creation,
which cleaves to God unintermittingly; “earth,” the formless
matter whereof the corporeal creation was afterwards formed.
He does not reject, however, other interpretations, but rather
confesses that such is the depth of the Holy Scripture, that mani-
fold senses may and ought to be extracted from it, and that
whatever truth can be obtained from its words, does, in fact,
lie concealed in them.
Continuation of the exposition of Genesis I; it contains the mys-
tery of the Trinity, and a type of the formation, extension, and
support of the Church.