Full text: Sacred economics

(introduction... . x; 
Chapter 1: The Gift World... 3 
Chapter 2: The Illusion of Scarcity... 12 
Chapter 3: Money and the Mind... 33 
Chapter 4+: The Trouble with Property... 4 
The Urge to Own... 149 
The Original Robbery... 53 
The Georgist Tradition . ... 60 
Chapter 5: The Corpse of the Commons... . bd 
Cultural and Sprritual Capital 70 
The Strip-Mining of Community 75 
The Creation of Needs 79 
The Money Power... . 88 
Chapter 6: The Economics of Usury ©... 
An Economic Parable... . 95 
The Growth Imperative... 100 
The Concentration of Wealth .... 104 
Wealth Redistribution and Class War... 1. 
Inflation... 117 
More for You Is Less for Me... 121 
Chapter 7: The Crisis of Civilization... 125 
Chapter 8: The Turning of the Age .... 14 
Money: Story and Magic... 141 
Humanity’s Coming-of-Age Ordeal . . .. 148

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