Full text: Theoretical orientations and practical applications of psychological ownership

Toward a Marketing Perspective on How ‘Active Employees’ Create 
Valuable Human Resource Management Outcomes: The Role of HRM 
Consumption and Psychological Ownership . . . . . . . 
Jeroen Meijerink and Anna Bos-Nehles 
Part II Empirical Application 
The Role of Leadership and Related Mediators in the Development of 
Psychological Ownership in Organisations . . ........ .... 
Fabian Bernhard, Alexander Pundt and Frko Martins 
Exploring Psychological Ownership Towards the Group and Its 
Routes in the French Military Sector . . . . . . 
Elena Essig 
Enhancing Primary School Student Teachers’ Psychological 
Ownership in Teaching Music . ........ .... 
Lenita Hietanen, Matti Koiranen and Heikki Ruismiki 
Work Engagement, Psychological Ownership and Happiness in a 
Professional Services Industry Company . . . ..... 
Chantal Olckers, Katherine George and Llewellyn van Zy! 
Climate Change? Exploring the Role of Organisational Climate for 
Psychological Ownership . .. .... .. .. .. 
Brigitte Steinheider and Armin Pircher Verdorfer 
Recognising Opportunities: A Case Study on Fostering a Culture of 
Innovation Through Individual and Collective Ownership. . 
[ysanne Beekhof and Mark van Vuuren 
Future Perspectives on Psychological Ownership in Multi-cultural 
Contexts . ....... 
Llewellyn van Zyl. Chantal Olckers and Leoni van der Vaari 

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