Full text: Jahrbuch der Export-Akademie des K. K. Österreichischen Handels-Museums (5)

Indent-Formular Nr. VI. 
Yokohama, 1 9 
herewith confirm having sold 
Arrival except strikes or othor force majeure beyond tlie 
controll of the sellers 
Place of delivery 
1. The purchaser hereby binds himself to pay mterests 
and charges at the rate of at least 10»/ o P.A. on any goods not taken delivery 
of by him within the period spccified by this contract. 
2. Payment cash on delivery in Japanese currency. 
3. Exchange to be settled not later than one month after arrival of the goods. 
4* Changes in the Customs-tariff to be adjusted pro and contra. 
5. In case the goods should not arrive within the period agreed upon, 
this contract to be considered as cancelled, and should part only arrive the 
purchaser agrees to take delivery of the same and the remainder of this contract 
is to be cancelled. 
6* Should any dispute with reference to this contract arise between the 
parties to it, the matter will be left to the decision of two foreign merchants 
Chosen by the buyer and approval by and this decision 
to be final. 
In witness, whereof the vendor and purchaser above named have 
hereunto attached their signatures. 
* Punkt 4 und 6 werden fast nie eingehalten.

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