Full text: 20. Jahrbuch der Exportakademie (20)

Ordinal Numbers. 
The first 
the second 
the third 
the fourth 
the ftfth 
the sixth 
the twentieth 
Abbreviatedr 1 sfc 2 nd 3 rd 
The ordinal number is 
ar'ticle: as The third chapter. 
the seventh the tenth 
the eighth the eleventh 
the ninth the twelfth etc. 
the twenty-first etc. 
4 01 20 th 21 st . 
always preceded by the definite 
Date: fall form: the 31 st of July read The thirty-first of 
July, Abbreviations: July 31 st (the common form) read July 
thirty-first, or 3T l July (used in commercial correspondence only) 
read The thirty-first of July. 
For tlie numbers of houses in the streets the Cardinal num- 
bers are used: 29 Oxford Street, read tweuty-nine Oxford Street. 
Fxcept half, Naives and quarter (-s) the fractions are formed 
from ordinal numbers; as Vs — one third, i / i = three fourths, 
V?a = seven twenty-ninths. Vioo — one hundredtk. 
Note: half a pound, half an hour, 
Ä pound and a half \ An hour and a halfbnt half ’penny 
Three quarters of a pound. Three quarters of an hour. 
Note: a quarter past three, half past three, a quarter tofour, 
four o’cloek. 
V * 
Decimals: In English a point above tho line is used and 
not a comma; as tr432 (read six deciMal four three two). In Ger 
man 0,571 ass in English •571 (read decimal five seve.n one). 
Multiplicatives (adverbs of number): Once, twice, three 
times, four times etc. 
Note: once more 1 , 
once aqain { cunital 
twice as lonq 1 , , , , , 
as lang again / t,ot ^ etnnia ^ 1° ^ a,1 9

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