Full text: 20. Jahrbuch der Exportakademie (20)

Singular and plural. 
of which 
to which 
Who is only used for persons: 
Ile is a man who cannot defend himself. The merchant whose 
ccirgo ivas lost. 
The worncrn of whom you ave speaking is ivell known to me. 
I he banker to whom you paid the money. The agent whom, you have 
Which is used for animals and things: The cases ivhich arriv- 
ed yesterday toere damaged. Ile kas been taken into an office of 
which his uncle is the principal. Those ai‘e terms to which 1 cannot 
Ihat is used frequently in the place of who and whicih, and 
prevents their too frequent repetition. That can be used for who 
in defining clauses only: The merchant that I deal witk. The dog 
that went mad yesterday. But we cannot say: My daughter Jane 
Ifat studies music. for My daughter Jane who Studies music. or: 
The Pope Pius that died recently for: The Pope Pius who . . . 
Note: That (and not what) must follow the indefinite pro- 
nouns all, everything, something, anylhing, nothing, much. the pro- 
noun who, after superlatives and after only and the same. 
All that he does is cavtfully donc. 
Everything that was lost with the ship was insured. 
Teil me something that I do not know. 
Can you send me anylhing that will mit the, marketf 
There is nothing that you can do for me. 
There is much that. can be said on the subject. 
Ihat is the greatest, misfortune that could happen. 
1 he only agent that I can recommend you is M r ■. 
Ile is the same that has represented me for the last ten 
What really Stands for that which, e. g. I know what you said 
means I know that which you said. 
The German mag is to be translated: 
a) that after all, something etc (see above). 
b) which (not what) when it refers to the wholo of the pre- 
ceding sentence. It always takes a comma (,) before it; as; He is 
constantly breaking Jus promise, which is very annoyinq. 
As. The conjunction as is used as a relative pronoun when 
it föllows such, the same etc.: Such things as we find. His reniarks 
ivere as follow (not föllows). His Order was ds follows {not follow) 
of whom 
to whom 
l & -

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