Full text: 20. Jahrbuch der Exportakademie (20)

Fast tense — I wroie 
Fast perfect tense = I had written 
Future tense — 1 shall write 
Future perfect tense = I shall have. written. 
Auxiliary Verbs. To develop tke full conjugation of the 
English verb we must employ auxiliaries. The auxiliary verbs are: 
have, be, do, shall t will, may, can and must. 
Have, be, do and will are also used as principai verbs. 
Shall, may, can, and must are always auxiliary verbs. 
Conjugation of to have. 
Infinitive Present — to have Participle Present = having 
Infinitive Fast — to have had Participle Fast = had 
Participle Perfect — having had. 
Indicative Mood. 
Present Tense 
/, you, have 
he, ehe, it has 
we, you, they have 
Fast Tonse 
I, you had 
he, ehe, it had 
we, you, they had 
Future Tense 
I shall have 
you will have 
he, she, it will have 
we shall have 
you, they will have 
Future Ten 
Present Perfect Tense 
I, you, have had 
he, she, it has had. 
we, you, they have had 
Fast Perfect Tense 
I, you had had. 
he, she, it had had. 
we, you, they had had 
Future Perfect Tense 
1 shall have had- 
you will have. had 
he, she, it will have had 
ivc shall have had 
you, they will have had. 
e Interrogative. 
Shall I, you have? 
will he, she, it have t 
shall nie, you have? 
will they have? 
{ Present Tense: (If) I, you, etc. have 
Past Pr esjent Tense: (Jf) I,you etc. have had 
Fast Tense: (Jf) 1, you, etc. had 
Past Perfect Tense: (If) I, you, etc. had had 
Conditional Mood. 
Present Tense 
Past Tense 
1 shoidd have 
you woull have 
I sliould have had 
you would have had

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