2°) Manchester 1866.
>’) Manchester 1819.
22) Tim JBobiins Tales, or Tummus and Meary, rendered into simple English,
with the Idioms and Similes retained. By Elijah Bidings. Manchester (n. d.). |
Über E. R. siehe S. Hill, Old Lancashire Songs etc., S. 30.
2 3) London 1818.
J4 ) London 1819.
J5 ) Biographie im DNB. Poems, ed A. W. Ward, Ohetham Society, New
Series 29, 30, 34, 35. Die drei Dialektdialoge Nr. 30, S. 1 ff.
J6 ) Neugedruckt von John E. Bailey, Manchester 1877.
J7 ) Eingehende Darstellung bei F. Engels, Die Lage der arbeitenden
Klassen in England, 2. Auf!., Stuttgart 1892 und G. v. Schulze-Gävernitz,
Zum sozialen Frieden, Leipzig 1890, Bd. I.
28) Sybil, or the two Nations, Bueh IV, Kap. 8.
29) Neudruck mit Einleitung von J. Dronsfield, Manchester 1905.
30) 2nd ed. London 1876.
3*) Ashton-under-Lyne 1898.
32) J. Harland, The Songs of the Wilsons with a memoir of the Family.
Manchester o. D.
33) Biographie im DNB. Autobiographie, Early Days und Passages in
the life of a Badical, neu herausgegeben von H. Dunckley, London 1893, 2 Bd.
31) Gelegentliche Äußerungen in d. Briefen, bes. New Letters, hrg. A.
Oorlyle, London u. New York 1904, I, S. 283.
33) S. 109 ff. der Ausgabe von Dunckley.
36) 3 Bd. zuerst 1829, dritte Aufl. 1843; second series 2 Bd. 1831.
37 ) Writings with Memoir, ed Colley March, Rochdale 1901. Biogra
phisches im Memoir.
38) Bobby Shuttle un his woife Sayroh's visit to Manchester, un to th' greight
Ilert (= Art) Treasures Eggsibishun at Owd Trafford. Written by Bobby hissel.
By th’ Editor oth’ Bowton Luminary. Manchester [18531- — Bobby
Shuttle un his woife Sayroh's visit to th' Mechanics' institushun at Bowtun. dst.
[k. J.].— Bobby Shuttle un his woife Sayroh wi’ th' Prince un Princess o' Wales at
Bowtun. dst. [k. J.]. — Bobby Shuttle un his woife Sayroh at th' Grand Beview
in Yetton Par/c, on Saturday, July 27, 1872. dst. [k. J.]. — Th' Visit to th’
Greight Parris Eggsibishun of Bobby Shuttle un his woife Sayroh. dst. [k. J.]. — ,
Bobby Shuttle and his woife Sayroh at th’ Darrum (= Darwen) Eggsibishun, wot
they seed, wot they yerd, un wot they enkeawntert. dst. [k. J.]. — Bobby Shuttle
wi’ th' Demonstrationists at Manchester.
39) Th' M. P. of O. Ei. J. J.: A füll private in Ilur Majesty's Third Lan-
kashire Milisho, commonly called Freneh Freetuners; being a series of letters to
his cuztsen loe at Fernuth. dst. [k. J.]
1«) 2. Aug. 1856.
«) 26. Nov. 1856.
42 ) A selection of comic Lancashire tales, adapted for public reading or
reciting. Manchester [ea. 1861],
4 3) 2 Bd. Manchester.
44 ) Manchester [1865J.
45 ) A Senes of original recitations, dialogues, and sketches. dst. 1888.
40) A round of fireside stories, suited to any season, told by old-fashioned
people. dst [k. J.]
47 ) The three Graces: a new comic sketch, for representation at social and
family gatherings. Manchester [1860]. — The Ilusbands' Tea Party. A comic
sketch. forfour characters, dst. 1861. —- Missis Cdustic's Ilearthstone Leclures:
By Job, hur husband. Manchester 1867 (zwölf Gardinenpredigten), — The Wife
Hunters: a new comic sketch, for representation at social and family gatherings,
dst. 1883 (Bauer und Städter als Rivalen um die Hand eines Mädchens.
Witz auf Kosten der Unbildung des Bauern). — Pay your own debts: a nein
temperance drama, in two parts. dst. 1885. — The Bivals: a humorous dialogue
(ein dialektsprechender Tölpel gibt seine Ansprüche auf ein Mädchen gegen
ein gutes Mittagessen zugunsten seines gebildeten Rivalen auf); also, Going